2 types Marketing
Optimization== Content== organic== reach== people== No money == spend
Advertisement = Content== in organic == reach== target audience == Money== spend
FB== Page== optimize
Content== Page == Post
Sale== is not a selling == forcefully== aware those people who might buy your product
Best formula sale== Dont sale anything
Sale definition== Create enthusiasm in the mind of buyers about your product
Potential buyers == Mindset == read
People== your== P/S== purchase == no== help== support== problem== solution== find out
if P/S== solution== Buy
3 time content== post
Morning== 7-10== Good Motivational thoughts== Send== connect
Afternoon== 1-3== Offer == send== product information== send
Evening== 7-10 === News = reel== Jokes== products reels/shorts== Breaking news
Easy== Hard
Easy == Scheduling
90 advance schedule
evening == time== 3 post == 1 hrs == 5 mint
Content== time== people== give you == time
Zed Pay Facebook page